Update – Wednesday 8th July

Hello Everyone and welcome back to the Park. We know you haven’t all been back yet but in needing to keep you updated, already the visitor forms are out of date as the rules and regulations change daily.

We have spare visitor forms in the reception and the post room. We have now added time of arrival and departure to the forms, so will require the forms back after your guests leave. Please put them in the post box outside reception.

This also means not sending e mails out to us. We are going to just go with a paper trail.


The other news is that swimming pools and hot tubs are to remain closed for the time being. There was a suggestion that these could re-open later this month but that is not now the case.


You will see on the new Park rules about being more thorough in sorting your recycling out. From the end of July, we will be checking peoples bins on a Monday and if there is substantial recycling materials been left in the general waste, we will leave your rubbish bag there and inform you that you need to recycle more intensely.


Rachel is continuing with her Pizzas in the car park so if you have come down and want pizza on Thursday, you will need to order it in advance and you will then get a time allotted to you to come and pick it up.


In the meantime, stay safe and socially distanced.